Three Attributes of Extraordinary Success

I have often asked people if they want to have extraordinary success.  I have yet to come across a person that lacks that desire.  We all have something inside of us that wants more for our lives.  The  most successful people in the world still have goals and dreams.  I will take one step further and say all of us want to have success.  Asking if people want to have success is a waste of breath.  That is why I am purposeful in using the phrase extraordinary success. Louie zamperini quoteThere is a large difference between a person with success and a person with extraordinary success.  I have discovered three attributes found in people with extraordinary success. 

First, we have to know the difference between success and extraordinary success.  We all have a pretty clear definition of success.  It can be anything from winning a board game, graduating college, or owning your own business. The word extraordinary adds a bit more flavor to success.  Extraordinary success is not about an accomplishment.  It is about sustainability.  It is about having a mastery over something.

We all have heard that it takes hard work to gain success. Extraordinary success needs more than hard work.


I define tenacity as, persistant determination.  You are to keep moving in light of any circumstance that comes your way. Obstacles are always going to show up.  Tenacity is the attribute that keeps you moving forward despite the obstacles


When I talk about intentionality, I am talking about being deliberate.  There is no accidental extraordinary success.  You set out for your mark and you move toward that mark.


Above all else you need to know your “why”.  You must have a foundational fire in your gut that moves you toward success. My purpose is to inspire greatness.  I want everyone to live to their full potential.  What is your purpose?

In this video I talk about a man with extraordinary success.  Louis Zamperini is an inspirational man.  I want to tell you his whole story.  I know I won’t do it justice.  So, I am going to make a recommendation.  On Christmas Day 2014, the movie Unbroken will be released in theaters (watch the trailer for Unbroken here). This movie is about the life of Louis Zamperini.  Take the time to learn a little about him.  See how these three attributes lead him to a life with extraordinary success.

My first quarterly event of 2015 is going to be on January 16, 2015 at the Wellmont Regional Center for the Performing Arts. The theme is Extraordinary Success.  I will be talking about these three attributes.  Sign up here to reserve your ticket.  I look forward to seeing you there. Let’s start the new year off right.

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