Join Alan & Amanda Bracken for a four-part conversation around the unique challenges of being intentional parents and spouses.

Alan: Hi, my name is Alan Bracken and this is my wife, Amanda. Our friend and mentor John C. Maxwell has just released a new book, one that he is calling his ‘Legacy Book’ and it’s called ‘Intentional Living’. We had the opportunity to be with John last week, and we discussed the importance of ‘Intentional Living At Home’ with him. He was so excited about the idea of us bringing this information to each of you… as a matter of fact, I got a text just yesterday morning from him that was full of encouragement and excitement for what we are going to offer you! Here is what John, Amanda & I are so excited about!
For the month of November we want to invite you into ‘A Conversation Around Being Intentional At Home’. We want to ‘Embrace the Challenge’ together. So Amanda & I will be hosting 4 calls, that’s 1 per week, that you can join in on as we really unpack what it could look like to live with intention at home. Amanda, why do we feel like this is a conversation that needs to be had?
Amanda:“We want to bring as many parents as possible into this conversation because we have oftentimes been approached by parents asking us how we are about to have such seemingly strong, healthy relationships with our kids, particularly with our teenagers. It occurred to us that this is something parents deeply desire, but just don’t seem to have the practical tools to know how to incorporate it into their everyday lives. Once you and I gave it some thought, we realized there actually have been some things we’ve done intentionally throughout the years. And our relationships with our kids are a direct reflection of those specific efforts.”
Alan:That’s right, and as the parents of 4 kids that span the ages of 14 all the way down to 2, we have certainly needed as much help as possible. We want to help others that also find themselves in the middle of embracing the challenge of being intentional at home, as well.
We want you to join the conversation with us. Here is how it will work. Our website will have a page set up specifically for these 4 calls in November. It will give you the phone number and pin number to call in on. Simply call in and enter the pin number every Saturday morning in November. The first call will be on November 7th, and each Saturday following that, from 8 am to 9 am. The best part is, you can jump on from anywhere you have access to a phone.
For the 4 Saturdays in November, we will be discussing what we feel are 4 very important topics as it pertains to our effectiveness in being intentional at home. Our first call on week 1 will be on “The Culture of the Home… Establishing Values at Home First”. Amanda, will you share a little more about that?
Amanda:“We believe that everything should filter through our own personal core values. So helping families establish these for their home is a huge first step into being intentional. We will go over how to determine what your core values are and give some insight into some simple ways to identify them so that it doesn’t seem so daunting. The other reason we believe the culture at home is of utmost importance is because our children will be most comfortable in whatever environment they are raised in. If we can offer a healthy, relational culture at home, when they leave the home, that is the environment they will find themselves most adapted to. It will also help them be aware of when they are in environments that they find themselves uncomfortable in and hopefully be able to then identify why it’s an unhealthy situation.”
Alan:The 2nd Saturday in November will be our 2nd call. We are going to be discussing the importance of ‘Knowing & Supporting Each Other & Ourselves Well.’ Tell us a little more about what we can look forward to on this call.
Amanda:“This is my favorite topic. As parents, it’s our responsibility to put our children on the right course towards future success. We believe that knowing ourselves and those closest to us deeply is the first step into the journey of success. Equally important is supporting one another. We are going to discuss simple ways that we can offer our spouses and children the support they need as they seek to become successful at fulfilling their purpose.”
Alan:Week 3, the 3rd Saturday of November, we are going to be going over “Determining Our Priorities”. What do we mean by that?
Amanda:“Put simply, this call is going to help our listeners identify what is actually a priority and what isn’t. How are we ‘really’ spending our time? Is it clear to those in our household what our true priorities are? Or is there always a ‘squeaky wheel’ that gets our attention so that what’s important keeps being put on the back burner? We are going to talk about ways to keep that from happening.”
Alan:Lastly, the last Saturday in November we will have our 4th call. We’ve titled that, “The Obvious Pursuit”. What does that actually mean and how does it fit into being intentional at home?
Amanda:“The idea behind the title “The Obvious Pursuit” stems from our desire to have our kids know that we are in continual pursuit of their hearts. We will mess up, that’s a given. But I believe what trumps perfection all day, any day, is the fact that our kids are hyper-aware that we are constantly trying to be better at being intentional in our relationships with them. When it comes to winning their hearts, being transparent enough to say, “I’m going to mess up sometimes, but I will never stop pursuing you or pursuing being a better spouse or parent for you”. This is the game changer. It tells them that we won’t give up on them. That we are all in this together. And that, to me, is the greatest act of love we could offer them.”
Alan:Wow! Amazing information…. and it’s going to be an absolutely amazing 4 weeks of in-depth conversation around the desire to be intentional at home. Again, here is what we are offering and how it works…….
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STEP 2.*
Register for the 30 Day Journey
When you register for the 30 Day Journey, you will receive a hardback copy of John Maxwell’s new book, ‘Intentional Living’, as well as instant access to thirty daily videos from John to walk you step by step into a more intentional life, for $39 + shipping.
*We recommend the 30 Day Journey, but it is not required in order to participate in the ‘Intentional Living at Home’ calls.
Send us your questions, requests, & comments
Do you have a topic or question that you would like us to address?
Send it to us! You can click the Send Your Question! button, or text your question to 423-946-5825. We will compile the questions we receive, and answer each one during the Q&A portion of the call.
Join the conversation!
Call in on Saturday, November 7th, at 8am, using the log-in info you received at registration.
We look forward to journeying with you.