Tenacity pt. 3

In this post we want to continue our discussion around tenacity–specifically as it relates to defining clear core values.

In part 2, we talked about the need to refine our values down to a very few values that resonate most deeply with you. But that isn’t the end. Your values must be refined even further!

Each value needs to include clarifying adjectives/adverbs or carry an accompanying definition to make it crystal clear what the value means in the context of your life while also staying as simple and concise as possible. If you end up with a four paragraph definition for each of your five values, I’m afraid you still have some work to do!

For example, one of our family core values is:

Enduring with a Positive Attitude of Gratitude

There are a number of things being communicating within this core value. Having a Positive Attitude is important in our family. But that is a value shared with countless other families and so how do we know what that means to us specifically?

There are two clarifying elements to help us define the value. We will have a positive attitude of gratitudeWe will be thankful for the things that we are blessed with, not only when things are going well. We will endure with that positive attitude of gratitude regardless of the circumstances.

My kids struggle with living out this core value, as most kids would. Their positive attitude sometimes changes dramatically at the first sign that things aren’t going as they wish. However, we can correct the behavior using the core value as an anchor, because it is clearly defined in such a way that the behavior that honors this core value–and behavior that doesn’t–is easy to identify and talk about, even with small children.

If you settle for vague core values, you will end up with vague expectations and inconsistent behavior Click To Tweet

Refining values to achieve this level of specificity will require tenacity. If you settle for vague core values, you will end up with vague expectations and inconsistent behavior. If you have inconsistent behavior, the culture will follow suit.

In the next post we will look at the next element of Extraordinary Success, Intentionality. 



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